Overview of our Programs
Preschool Program Overview
- Parents as Teachers
- Title 1 Program
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Full Day Early Learning Program
Parents as Teachers
Liberty MO Parents as Teacher (PaT) is a program designed to strengthen families by increasing parents’ confidence in their ability to support their child’s growth and development as well as improve their parenting skills. The Liberty Parents as Teachers program offers four main services:
Resource Network
Our PaT staff will be available to share Knowledge of community programs, agencies and resources that your family may need.
Developmental Screenings
Periodic developmental screenings will be available by appointment to help you better understand your child’s development and anticipate your child’s needs. These screenings will examine your child’s cognitive, language, fine and gross motor, and social development as well as hearing and vision. After the screening, the educator will share information with you about how you can continue to support your child’s growth and development in these areas.
Personal Home Visits
A certified Parent Educator will come to your home by appointment for personal visits for families with children ages birth through three. Personal visits are designed to individualize the program for you and your child. During these visits we will partner with you to provide information and activities for you and your child to enjoy. We will assess your child’s development and find ways for you to support continued growth. You will receive written material about your child’s development and simple activities that you can do with your child. You will have the chance to create and achieve goals for you, your child and your family.
Group Connections
Group Connections are events that are designed to help you gain new insights into your child’s development and behavior, to get to know other parents in our community, and to have fun with your child. Information about upcoming Group Connection events will be made available on our website. Information will also be emailed out to families who are enrolled in the Liberty MO PaT program.
Title 1 Program
Our Title I class size averages 12-16 children with one certified early childhood teacher and one classroom paraprofessional. There are currently six Title I classrooms within the preschool. The classes contain a mix of children ages three to five. Classes meet four days a week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. School start and end times for the Early Childhood Center are 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:20pm-4:20pm. Transportation is provided through the Liberty School District. Attendance session is determined by transportation address.
Early Childhood Special Education
Special Education services are provided for children who qualify for assistance based on their Individual Education Program (IEP). There are a variety of early childhood special education professionals such as early childhood special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists, to support individual needs of children.
Full Day Early Learning Program
Our Full Day Early Learning Program classes are supported by one certified teacher and one classroom paraprofessional per classroom. Classes meet five days a week 7:46am-2:46pm, and follow the district calendar (including early release Wednesday's). Students are provided breakfast and lunch. Children in this program are within one year of being eligible to attend kindergarten. In order to participate in this full day program, students must meet eligibility for free and reduced-priced lunch, as well as currently not receiving preschool services through other state programs.